Github Pages
- Due Apr 3, 2015 by 11:59pm
- Points 10
- Submitting a website url
- Available after Mar 27, 2015 at 12am
We will use Github Pages Links to an external site. to submit homework and projects in this class. For this assignment, you must create and submit your Github Pages website in preparation for submitting homework next week.
Repository Requirements
Create a public or private Github repository. Note, however, that your website will be public even if your repository is private. Please give it an appropriate and professional name.
Add the instructor (username: sjengle
) and teacher assistant (username: VictorDu
) as collaborators to your repository. We will need this to access your repository for grading, and to comment/debug your submissions.
For GitHub Pages, you will need to place your website files in the gh-pages
branch. I suggest you create this branch and make it the default branch. This should happen automatically if you clone the template website.
Website Requirements
All websites must have a front page with the following information:
- Your name, email, and other contact information
- A one paragraph bio about yourself
- A link to the website Github repository
- Placeholders for homework assignments 1 through 5 (you can add links to each individual homework later)
- Placeholders for project assignments (dataset, sketch, prototype, video, and report)
- Placeholders for participation assignments
Template Repository
To get started, you can clone the following template website: Links to an external site.
This template includes Bootstrap, JQuery, D3, and a few D3 plugins. To view this website in action, go to: Links to an external site.
If everything is setup correctly, you should see a random animated line. You will need to customize the website to meet your needs. At the very least, make sure you replace all instances of my name, and add your own bio.
I highly encourage you to use Bootstrap Links to an external site. to create mobile-friendly pages and Jekyll Links to an external site. as a template-friendly site generator. Not only will this give you experience with modern tools, but it will also allow you to create a modern website that you can show off to potential employers.
Submission Requirements
Submit a link to your GitHub Pages website only. It will be in the form:
Replace username
with your Github username (e.g. sjengle
) and repository
with your repository name (e.g. spring-2015-msan622
Please make sure you should have your Github repository linked on your website.