Knowledge Check—"Exile"

  • Due No due date
  • Points 20
  • Questions 3
  • Time Limit None
  • Allowed Attempts 2


Instructions: This Knowledge Check Quiz is intended to assess your knowledge of the information acquired from the readings and video in this section on Exile. You are able to take this quiz only after you have thoroughly completed the assignments (i.e., read the essays carefully and watched the video lecture). This is a four-question quiz -- two multiple choice questions (worth 6 points each) and one open-ended answer (worth 8 points) that Professor Miranda will read and grade. ***Warning: You may take the quiz only twice*** Recommendation: Make sure you have taken notes from the video and article content. You may refer to your notes while you take the quiz, of course! You are welcome to quote the authors directly [Example: "According to Edward Said, "exile is tragedy" (234)."]

Time limit: None

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