Course Syllabus

Starting Wednesday, March 18, 2020, USF moved all instruction online until the end of the semester. This Canvas website will serve as the primary course website from this point forward.

For details, see the following pages:

  • Course Syllabus: This is the course syllabus updated for online instruction. Changes are highlighted.

  • Course Schedule: This provides an overview of the semester. See also the Course Calendar in Canvas.

  • Office Hours: This provides an overview of the online office hours using Zoom for the remainder of the semester.

  • Online Instruction: This provides an overview of how in-person lectures and labs will be replaced with online instruction instead.

  • Code Reviews: This provides an overview of how code reviews will be conducted online.

All announcements from this point forward will be posted on Canvas. We will continue to use Piazza as the question and answer forum for this class.

Instead of the previous course website, course content will now be posted as various Modules on Canvas instead.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due