Exam 2 v3172

  • Due No due date
  • Points 65
  • Questions 16
  • Time Limit 105 Minutes


Exam Instructions

Please read and follow these instructions before starting the exam:

  1. You have from 12:45pm to 2:30pm exactly to complete this exam unless you have made other arrangements.

    You may submit the exam early if you want, however once submitted there is no way to go back and edit your responses.

  2. You must log into Zoom meeting to receive the password to unlock this exam.

    Register Here

    You may use this meeting to ask the instructor questions. To ask a question, request a breakout room in chat to the "Everyone" group. In that breakout room, please share your screen so the instructor knows which question you are asking about. For fairness, you may ask only one question at a time (and may not ask another until after your question as been answered).

    If Zoom starts acting up for any reason, you can ask questions on Piazza.

  3. The exam is open book. You may reference your homework assignments, lecture code and slides, API documentation and user manuals, and even run Java code in Eclipse.

    However, the answer must be your own. You may not ask for help from fellow students, nor utilize exam banks.

    There is now an all-in-one reference site at www.cs.usfca.edu/~cs212/docs/ that may be handy to have open during the exam.

    There will be a 0 tolerance cheating policy. The consequences for cheating will be an immediate F letter grade for the entire course and report to the Academic Honesty Committee. It is better to fail the exam than cheat on it!

  4. The exam includes several sections, each with several questions. You can use the Bookmark icon next to each question to mark that question for later. This is handy if you want to come back and revisit a question.

Once you have read and followed the instructions above, you may start the exam. 

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